With over 25 years of experience offering Reiki treatments & training, hypnotherapy services, and meditation training you are in good hands with Loralee Scobie.

Available Services

Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki is a spiritual energy healing provided to you at a distance (not in the same room, city or even country). Loralee will provide specific instructions when the service is booked.

Session Length: 1 Hour

Session Cost: $100

In Person Reiki

Reiki is a natural way to relax & heal, physically, mentally & spiritually. A typical session is 1 hr. Reiki can do no harm and is safe for everyone. My sessions include an intuitive reading and a chakra balancing.

Session Length: 1 Hour

Session Cost: $100

Energy Clearing

A combination of Reiki techniques & white sage smudge sticks, to clear out old/ unwanted energy from your home, office or business. A wonderful way of creating new beginnings.

Session Length: Varies

Session Cost: $100


Customized Guided Meditation

A customized guided meditation recorded to accommodate your needs.

Meditation Length: Approx. 30 min

Session Cost: $100

Past Life Regression / Hypnotherapy

As a Certified Hypnotherapist, I will gently guide you into a dream like state, allowing you to access a past life event relevant to a block/issue in this lifetime. Increased self awareness & understanding results. Individual & small group sessions available

Session Cost: $100 per Hour


Recommendations & Reviews

I booked a Past Life Regression, through zoom. This was an amazing experiencing allowing you to feel the comforts of the space you choose to be as well as knowing and feeling Loralee is right there with you. From start to finish Loralee is present with you, you feel safe, trust, genuine loving caring healing coming from her. A past life experience, for me was to help me bridge my learning from within me from the past, the present, the future. I wanted to understand why I repeat patterns of behaviour or situations and truly truly experience the meaning from the past while threading it to your moment today and onward. This process is through hypnosis. No one can make you do or feel anything you do not want to relive, but with Yourself and Loralee’s brilliant easy way to take you through this journey, her knowledge and years of experience and practice, you can heal yourself on so many levels we did not know even exited. I truly believe we have so many past lives that can help our journey to heal and be the person our hearts desire to be. I would recommend this experience to each and everyone of you. I am forever grateful to have Loralee in my life. Thank you- a connected true friend always and forever

Cathy J

I cannot even begin to describe how much Loralee has helped me with reiki and her intuitive abilities. She is amazing and has been a source of guidance and peace for me. I am by nature a critical objective person but her healing abilities as a reiki practitioner have strengthened my belief in the spirit. I have been to a few other reiki practitioners but my experience with them has been disappointing. I have learnt that reiki by itself is healing but it’s conduit, the practitioner plays a big part. Loralee’s spiritual wisdom, deep intuition and ability as a reiki healer are profoundly exceptional. In all honesty, I have yet to meet another person of similar caliber. I not only recommend her as practitioner but also as source of wisdom and guidance during difficult times.

Nita B

With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment

Thich Nhat Hanh